Ozvali se potomci Emila Štýbra z USA
Hi Michal, I have no idea if you speak English and I don't remember any Czech. My great-grandfather, Emil Styber, was the blacksmith in the village of Rousinov sometime in the early 1900s. He was married to Mary and had two daughters, Emily and Stella. He died from influenza so my family moved from Rousinov and eventually made their way to the U.S. Our family is located in Arizona.
About two years ago, my husband and I visited Rousinov. I looked for the house of my great-grandfather but could not find it. A very helpful youngster on a bicycle tried to help us and a lady I assume was his mother tried to help us, too. They were very kind!
I loved the village of Rousinov. I do hope the school and the church are preserved because they are such a great piece of history. The town is beautiful and it was very meaningful to me to visit because my grandmother told me so much about it.
Susan Baltzer
Stručný překlad:
Ahoj Michale. Můj pradědeček,Emil Štýbr byl kovářem ve vaší vesnici okolo roku 1900. Měl manželku Marii a dcery Emily a Stellu. Po jeho smrti se rodina přestěhovala do USA, do Arizony.
Před dvěma roky jsem s manželem navštívila Rousínov ,ale nenašli jsme dům mého pradědy. Hledat nám pomáhal mladík na kole a jeho máma, bylo to milé.
Rousínov se nám líbí, zejména škola a kostel. O Rousínově mi vyprávěla má babička.